How Can We Help You Today?
Call Us
If you would like to speak to a PAW Customer Service Representative directly, please call 513.874.5383. We offer dedicated customer service during our regular business hours:
- Monday through Thursday: 8AM to 5PM EST
- Friday: 8AM to 2PM EST
- Saturday & Sunday: Closed
If you call after business hours, please leave a voicemail and a customer service representative will respond as soon as possible. We are also closed on all major holidays.
Email Us
Email the PAW Customer Service team directly at All emails are reviewed and replied to as soon as possible, usually within the same or by the next business day.
Helpful Resources & Links
Product Returns & Replacements
All alcott and doggo retractable leashes are covered by a Limited One Year Warranty. If you are experiencing any issues with the leash, please click here to learn more about the product replacement process.
Retractable Leash Warranty Information
Please note that none of our leashes are chew proof and chewing is not covered by the product warranty.
Request a Complimentary Safety Collar & Special Precautions Pamphlet
Every PAW retractable leash includes a safety collar and a Special Precautions & Directions pamphlet. If for any reason you did not receive either of these items or would like to request new ones, PAW will send them to you for free. They are available through our online store at no charge. Simply add these items to your shopping cart as necessary and we’ll ship them accordingly.
Please click here to request a complimentary safety collar and/or Special Precautions & Directions pamphlet.